Saturday, July 24, 2010


Hello our precious followers, it's Emily and Alex here. Guess what? Emily (me) is in Texas!!! And loving it!! Just because you might be a little confused on why this is so fabulous, I'll fill you in.
So, one day a amazing little girl was born in California, and her name was Emily. Then....24 days later another fantastic baby girl was born in California, Alex! And they (and their families too) became the best friends in the entire world!!! But then one tragic day, after 3rd grade, the Alex family had to move to (extremely hot and sweaty :D -emily) Texas. >:,( They visited once to CA again in 4th grade and then Emily saw them in 5th grade (she went to Texas).
THEN! 2 1/2 excruciatingly long years later (yes we said years) Emily and her Mom flew out to Texas to reunite with their greatly missed long lost friends!!! And here we are now, day 2 of 10 in Texas, making this EXTREMELY amazing blog.

The End.

E & A


  1. Looking forward to following you two FABULOUS girls online! Glad the blogosphere could you bring you back together.

    Love you bunches,

  2. sounds like fun! cant wait.

  3. You guys sound like the best buds!
